Saturday 9 October 2010

Jul 30, Police Dogs -- Talented Golden Retrievers

Police dogs have many important jobs. What's the first kind of dog that pops into your head when you think about these talented canines?

It's probably not a Golden Retriever. But Goldens can actually fill many important positions in the law enforcement industry. Let's take a look.

Police DogThe German Shepherd is probably the most well-known police dog.

But there are actually several dog breeds used in law enforcement, including Goldens.

Golden Retrievers are much more than just a pretty face.

They're incredibly talented, smart and easy to train.

Their exceptional sense of smell makes them an asset to any police department in the following areas: Drug Dogs -- Locating illegal drugs is a snap for a police drug dog, whether they're hidden in a school locker, a car, a suitcase, or a warehouse. Bomb Dogs -- Alerting to all types of explosive devices, these dogs can check out large areas quickly, bringing peace of mind and averting tragedy. Water Rescue Dogs -- These dogs help drowning people get to shore. Golden Retrievers have all the qualifications: strong swimming ability, an excellent sense of smell and an instinct for retrieving. Water Search Dogs -- When police suspect there's a body in a lake or river, these dogs can tell them exactly where it is. The dog can smell a totally submersed body, no matter how long it's been there, as he and his handler are transported over the water by boat. Cadaver Dogs -- It's an unsavory task, but a necessary one. These dogs are trained to find the tiniest bit of human remains that might provide the clue to solve a case or provide a grieving loved one closure after a disappearance. Arson Detection Dogs -- After a fire is put out, and everything is thoroughly soaked, arson dogs are still able to quickly sniff out any accelerant that might have been used to start the fire. Customs Dogs -- Golden Retrievers present a friendly face at customs as they quietly search for contraband items such as drugs, explosives, fruit, firearms, or large amounts of cash.

Police Dog

Border Patrol Dog -- It doesn't take a Golden long to sniff his way along a row of cars, speeding up proceedings along the borders of countries. Like customs dogs, they can find whatever shouldn't be coming across the border. Search and Rescue Dogs -- The Golden Retriever has a super sniffer and a friendly personality, a winning combination when searching for a lost child who might be scared by a German Shepherd police dog. He's so easy-going, he doesn't even mind rappelling down a cliff with his handler to reach a lost hiker.

By the way, it's amazing how many champion drug dogs and bomb dogs started out in animal shelters. They just had too much energy and prey drive for their owners.

But that's exactly what these special police dogs need to have in order to keep going when searching for illegal drugs, explosives, or a missing person.

Police DogThe smart folks who create TV commercials have it all figured out.

Golden Retrievers are beautiful dogs!

That's why they show up in so many movies and commercials.

They're so friendly and gorgeous, you just want to reach out and pet them.

Many police departments have also figured out that if you have something as beautiful as a Golden Retriever, you should show it off!

Taking a Golden drug dog along when you make a presentation to the local schools about the dangers of drug use just makes good sense.

The students would much rather look at a gorgeous dog than a police officer, any day!

They're also happy to show off their canine detection abilities at schools, universities and public events.

Police DogWhen they're not on the job, these valuable dogs are spending time with their handlers just like any pet.

They love to go for long walks and play with whatever toys you give them.

But when it's time to head back to the police station, don't get in their way.

They have work to do!

You wouldn't buy a Golden Retriever to be a guard dog because of the breed's strong bite inhibition and love of people.

They might bark if someone tries to break into your house (maybe). More likely, they'd probably greet the intruder like a long-lost friend.

But if your police department is looking for a super sniffer, they've come to the right place. These gentle police dogs are worth their weight in gold.

I guess they're just the right color, then, aren't they?


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