Saturday 2 October 2010

Aug 14, Pancreatitis In Dogs -- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Pancreatitis in dogs can be a life-threatening condition, but early recognition and treatment can improve chances of recovery.

Pancreatitis is simply an inflammation of the pancreas.

So what's a pancreas?

It's a little gland located near the stomach.

The pancreas has two main jobs.

Its first job is to produce enzymes that help digest food.

Its other job is to produce insulin, which regulates the blood sugar level.

Pancreatitis in dogs is usually divided into chronic and acute cases.

Golden RetrieverSymptoms of chronic pancreatitis are milder and are often mistaken for other illnesses.

While chronic pancreatitis is the milder form of the two, it's a continuing inflammatory disease that's often accompanied by slow, irreversible damage.

Acute pancreatitis is usually more severe, but when it's over, there's no remaining damage to organs.

So basically, pancreatitis can be acute and only occur once in a dog's lifetime or it can become chronic and keep returning over and over again. It can be a rapidly life threatening illness or a mild attack of pain that resolves in a few hours or a day or so.

There's another very severe form of this condition called necrotizing pancreatitis, in which the damage is so severe that portions of the pancreas are actually destroyed. Some authors refer to this as hemorrhagic pancreatitis.

This form of pancreatitis can be fatal and requires early intervention and aggressive treatment.

In a large number of cases, the cause of pancreatitis remains unclear.

However, there are certain things that we know are associated with the disease.

The most important factor is what your Golden Retriever eats.

Dogs with diets high in fat, and dogs who have recently gotten into the trash or have been fed greasy table scraps, seem to have a higher incidence of the disease.

A single high fat meal can cause pancreatitis in a dog whose normal diet is moderate or low in fat. That's why there's a rash of pancreatitis cases at vet clinics around Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter every year. People just can't resist sharing their high fat leftovers with the family dog.

Some other factors contributing to the development of pancreatitis in dogs include: Golden RetrieverObesity Lack of exercise Certain medications Long-term use of corticosteroids Cushing's disease High calcium levels in the blood High triglyceride and/or cholesterol levels in the blood Blood clotting disorders Liver disease Chronic kidney disease Trauma Recent abdominal surgery
As with most diseases or conditions, certain dog breeds are more susceptible to pancreatitis than others. Miniature Schnauzers have a genetic susceptibility to the disease.

Other dogs that seem to be more predisposed to this condition are Yorkshire and Silky Terriers, Dachshunds, Miniature Poodles, and Cocker Spaniels.

The disease occurs usually in middle aged to older dogs, and overweight dogs are at a higher risk. It seems to affect females a little more frequently than males. Dogs with diabetes are also more at risk than others.

The most common symptoms of pancreatitis are fever, lack of appetite, depression, vomiting, and signs of abdominal pain--such as standing with front legs down on the ground as in a bowing position.

Other pancreatitis symptoms include: Golden RetrieverDehydration (sunken eyes, dry mouth, dry skin) Diarrhea or yellow, greasy stool Lethargy Depression Weakness Irritability Rapid heart rate Rapid breathing Difficulty breathing Redness of the gums Signs of shock
Pancreatitis in dogs mimics several other conditions, making diagnosis difficult. Some of these most common "look alike" conditions are: Acute gastroenteritis Inflammatory bowel disease Intestinal obstruction

While there is no definitive test for pancreatitis, your veterinarian will try to make a diagnosis through information obtained from: Medical history (especially what your dog eats) Physical exam Laboratory tests Radiographs (X-rays) Abdominal ultrasound CAT scan Biopsy (occasionally)
The treatment your veterinarian selects will depend on the severity and duration of the illness. Dogs with a mild case of chronic pancreatitis may be treated at home, while those with a severe case of acute pancreatitis will require hospitalization and intensive care.

Golden RetrieverResting the pancreas and gastrointestinal system is the most important key to your dog's recovery.

That means no food or water by mouth for at least 24 hours to 48 hours.

The second major part of the treatment is the administration of large amounts of intravenous fluids.

Most dogs with pancreatitis are dehydrated from recurrent vomiting and diarrhea.

Other treatment measures include drugs to control vomiting, pain medications, and sometimes antibiotics to control or prevent bacterial infection.

Once the patient seems to feel better, he's allowed to drink a bit of water. If he doesn't vomit in the next 12 to 24 hours, he can graduate to solid food. He'll probably be given small meals of a bland, easily digestible, low-fat food.

Over the course of a week or more, the amount of food can be gradually increased. Most dogs can go home once they're able to eat and drink again.

Dogs with severe pancreatitis can recover, but may also develop fatal complications, including: Shock Abnormal bleeding and clotting Heart arrhythmias Liver or kidney damage Abdominal inflammation and fluid accumulation Sepsis (internal infection from bacteria and toxins) Breathing difficulties
Pancreatitis can be a very unpredictable disease. In most cases, if the attack was mild and the dog only had one episode, chances of recovery are good. Simply avoiding high fat foods may be all that's needed to prevent another attack and/or complications.

Golden RetrieverMost vets generally prescribe a low-fat, high-fiber diet for pancreatitis in dogs, to help speed recovery and to prevent future episodes.

Depending on your dog's situation, the diet recommendations may be for life or he may be able to gradually return to his former food, if it's low enough in fat.

Although most dogs can eat an occasional high-fat meal without a problem, once a dog develops pancreatitis, a high-fat meal will often cause another episode.

High-fat treats should be avoided. Keeping your dog away from the table during holiday meals can be very helpful, too. And make sure he can't get into the garbage!

In addition to eating low-fat dog food, your Chunky Charlie needs to get on a serious weight loss program and join you on the jogging trail. Keeping him slim and trim will ward off future pancreatitis problems--and make him feel better, too!


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