Monday 11 October 2010

Aug 18, Training A Golden Retriever -- Why and How

Training a Golden Retriever, or any kind of dog for that matter, is an absolute necessity.

Just like children, dogs come into the world filled with love and curiosity, but not manners.

They need to be taught how to get along in the family.

That includes eliminating outside of the house and behaving properly inside the house.

It also means learning how to be polite to people and other animals.

We'll provide some dog training tips that will help you accomplish your puppy training goals.

Good training makes your dog priceless. A well-mannered dog is accepted and appreciated by everyone in your community. Even your family will appreciate him more, as a well-trained, well-behaved dog is always a joy to live with.

Training makes dogs happy, too.

By nature, dogs prefer a society with rules, where everybody knows his place.

When you teach dogs the rules of your family, they feel secure knowing exactly what they are and aren't allowed to do.

Proper dog training also provides an opportunity for your pet to fulfill his own canine potential.

There's almost no limit to how much your dog can learn with your help and perhaps that of a dog trainer, as well.

Golden Retrievers SeasidePeople sometimes think even basic dog training takes away a dog's freedom.

On the contrary, the better he's trained, the more freedom you can give him.

Your dog's excellent behavior earns him the right to accompany you nearly everywhere you go.

Training Golden Retrievers is such a simple, enjoyable task that you'll find you won't need much in the way of training equipment. But there are a few simple items you'll want to keep handy, and we'll discuss those.

Most importantly, you'll find that food treats are an especially useful motivator during training, as they definitely hold most Goldens' attention. I have yet to meet a healthy Golden Retriever who didn't like to eat!

Another part of Golden Retriever care and training involves basic dog obedience training.

Golden Retriever on Agility Teeter-TotterBecause of their natural desire to please, Goldens really shine in this area. There are many benefits of obedience training, and we'll discuss them in more detail.

Training your Golden Retriever doesn't have to be limited to obedience.

You might also think about training him in hunting or tracking, or in the fun activities of agility (pictured here), flyball or Frisbee.

Compared with other breeds, Goldens are considered to be among the most easily trainable.

Intelligent and eager to please, the Golden Retriever is a dog that responds quickly to training and thrives on mental stimulation.

Golden Retriever PuppyOne of the most enjoyable tasks you may ever undertake is that of training a Golden Retriever puppy.

Sure, it can be a bit challenging at times.

But with lots of love, praise and patience, you'll find that training Golden Retriever pups can be the happiest part of your day.

I'll give you some tips that will make Golden Retriever puppy training as successful and fun as it should be.

Your first concern will be teaching your new housemate where to "take care of business."

Golden Retriever PuppyI'll go over some housebreaking tips that will ensure your success in this area.

Paper training is another option under certain circumstances.

Crate training has many purposes, only one of which is assisting in the housebreaking process.

We'll discuss the reasons for teaching your Golden to enjoy his crate, and how to make the process seem totally natural to your canine companion, whether he's a puppy or an older Golden.

Training a Golden Retriever opens communication channels, enabling your canine companion to understand your requests.

Communication is a two-way street. You need to understand how your dog thinks, and your dog needs to understand what you want him to do.

Fortunately, positive dog training methods (such as clicker training) are easy, efficient and effective. They're also considerably more dog-friendly and user-friendly than conventional training methods.

Golden Retriever PuppyGood manners, taught early, will last a lifetime.

By teaching some limits, by praising his good behavior, by correcting inappropriate behavior and by knowing what to correct and what to leave alone, you can help your dog become the trusted companion you want him to be.

The purpose of training a Golden Retriever is not so much what it teaches your dog to do, but what it helps him to become--the most interesting, mentally-developed, communicative, playful friend he can possibly be.


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