Friday 10 December 2010

Finding A Golden Retriever Breeder In The Northeast

One of the most popular and beautiful dog breeds is the Golden Retriever. This breed has been consistently in the top ten popular dog breeds for a number of reasons. First, Golden Retrievers can be trained to perform a variety of tasks including hunting, tracking, retrieving and even acting as guide dogs for the blind. Second, Golden Retrievers are neither hyper nor aggressive and this makes them excellent pets for families and children. Third, Golden Retrievers are aesthetically pleasing. They have thick golden fur, expressive brown eyes and an elegant carriage.

Developed by a Scottish Lord in the 1800s, Golden Retrievers are the result of breeding various water spaniels, bloodhounds and the Irish Setter. The resulting breed has resulting characteristics of all. Any Golden Retriever breeder can tell you that Golden Retrievers love water, are skilled at hunting and tracking and make excellent companions. The American Kennel Club registered the breed in 1925 and has set specific characteristics each Golden Retriever must meet to engage in AKC competition. Due to their many excellent traits, Golden Retrievers have been champions in competition many times over.

A Golden Retriever breeder will attempt to breed dogs with the best breed specific traits. A cream to light gold colored coat is preferred. Intelligence, trainability, an even temper, tracking and hunting skills, and overall health and beauty are the standard for this breed. Because the breed is prone to health problems like hip dysplasia, eye disease, cancer and obesity, breeders must have all dogs medically screened.

Breeders do not mate dogs found to have medical or behavioral conditions. A Golden Retriever breeder will be able to educate potential buyers on the pros and cons of the breed to make sure buyers and Golden Retrievers match. They may also urge buyers to look into rescued Golden Retrievers. These are purebred Golden Retrievers that have been abandoned or neglected. They can be bought for a much lower price and often need loving homes even more than purebred puppies.

Unfortunately, the popularity of the Golden attracts unethical breeders who wish to make a profit with no regard for animal health and well-being. These backyard breeders sell unhealthy and uncertified Golden Retriever puppies to pet stores and/or unsuspecting buyers.

Pet buyers should never buy any animal from a pet store. Though animals may look cute and forlorn behind the glass, there is no telling where they have come from or what they have already endured in their short lives. Only unethical breeders sell Golden Retriever puppies to pet stores. A Golden Retriever breeder loves the breed want to know where their puppies will end up and would like to stay connected with them and hear about their progress. Breeders who sell to pet stores don't know or care what type of home Golden retrievers end up in and do not try to keep in touch with buyers once money changes hands.

Besides staying away from pet stores, buyers should look for qualities in a good Golden Retriever breeder such as maintaining a clean kennel, treating all puppies and parents as members of their own family, screens potential parents for genetic defects, provides warranties and may accept no refund returns and can provide complete documentation of ancestry, pedigree and medical records. A knowledgeable, caring breeder will also be affiliated with rescue centers and other animal protection agencies.

A dog-lover and professional breeder, Carol Matthews has extensive experience in raising and caring for the dogs. The Golden Retriever is the perfect combination of action with beauty. It is widely accepted for its intelligence, obedience, golden shade and liveliness. This article offers all the basic the Golden Retriever information including its history.

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