Thursday 2 December 2010

Aug 28, Guide Dogs -- New Eyes For The Blind

Guide DogGuide dogs are probably the most familiar type of service dogs.

They're trained to assist blind or visually impaired people.

These dogs basically serve as the eyes for their owner.

They help them navigate them through traffic, stairs and sidewalks while avoiding all obstacles that could cause injury.

They create a bridge between the sighted and blind worlds. They help blind people lead more independent, productive lives.

These specially-trained dogs help blind people go just about anywhere sighted people can go.

In fact, they are so important and so special that they're protected by law in the United States.

No one may prevent a seeing eye dog and his owner from entering any public place, even if regular dogs aren't allowed there.

Seeing eye dogs have many responsibilities.

They lead their owners on sidewalks, across streets, down stairs, and onto transportation systems.

They even keep track of obstacles like doorways, curbs, and low-hanging light fixtures. It's no wonder everyone thinks these dogs are nothing short of amazing!

A person who wants to own one of these amazing dogs must have: A vision impairment severe enough for the dog to be of real benefit to them (legally blind) A desire to use the dog as a working dog A sense of orientation--the ability to find their way about Adequate balance The confidence and physical fitness to manage the dog Sufficient hearing or vision to recognize traffic and the direction it's coming from A welcoming home--because a dog won't work well if he lives in a tense or unhappy place
We're all drawn to these special dogs, but there are some etiquette rules you should follow in order to be courteous and thoughtful.

Most importantly, you should never pet one when he's on duty. You can ask if it's all right to say hello to a dog who isn't working at the moment--one lying under a table in a restaurant, for example.

But the job has to come first, and confusing the dog--or the person--could be dangerous. So don't be offended if the person says no.

Guide DogHere are some other things to remember when you meet one of these special dogs: Never offer him any food. Don't talk to him when he's working. Keep your own dog on a leash and close beside you. Don't whistle at the on-duty dog. You'll draw his attention away from his work.
The only difference between a "guide dog" and a "seeing eye dog" is in name only.

A guide dog is the generic term for any service dog formally trained to help the blind get around. A "seeing eye dog" is a specific trademark of the Seeing Eye, Inc. organization.

The two terms are often used interchangeably, however.

Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers are the most popular guide dog breeds today, along with Lab-Golden mixes.

German Shepherd Dogs were the favored breed when guide dog training was in its infancy, and many are still used today.

Guide DogSeeing eye dogs must be intelligent, patient, and tireless workers.

They also need to be large enough to wear heavy harnesses on their backs.

But at the same time, they need to be small enough not to get in the way in stores, classrooms, restaurants and other crowded places.

Most Golden Retrievers fit these guidelines.

Goldens are loving and affectionate, with an eagerness to please.

A Golden Retriever also creates a good impression as he goes about his work. Everybody loves a friendly, happy Golden!

Their natural friendliness and lack of aggression helps them work well in crowds of people.

Most of the guide dog organizations use Golden Retrievers in their programs. The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (GDBA) in the U.K. uses Goldens because the breed has "a high level of initiative and concentration, and an affable and gentle disposition." The Golden also has an excellent memory for routes.

The Guide Dogs of America organization has been running since 1948, and about one-third of its dogs are Goldens. They chose the breed because "they love to work and are so devoted to their masters."

The steady, patient Golden temperament helps them remain quiet and inconspicuous in the office, classroom or restaurant, and then become instantly alert and working when needed.

The idea of using a dog to lead the blind is far from new. A Germanic king is said to have been the first to do so, somewhere around 100 B.C.

For many centuries, blind people have followed their dogs on familiar routes. Illustrations from the Middle Ages show leashed dogs leading the way. In the 1700s a few organizations trained dogs for the job, but the teaching methods were crude and each dog learned only one or two routes.

During the First World War, many soldiers lost their sight due to eye injuries or poison gas. German military dog trainers had seen first-hand how much a dog could do, and decided to help dogs learn to guide the blind veterans. A guide dog school based on professional training methods was started in Germany, and gradually the idea spread to other countries.

Today there are more than seventy such schools around the world. Although these schools each have their minor differences, they all have a common goal: to provide a vision-impaired person with independence through the use of a trained seeing eye dog.

Golden RetrieverDogs and owners remain partners for about eight to ten years.

By then, it's time for the owner's faithful companion to retire and let a younger dog take over his duties.

Retired guide dogs go to live with carefully chosen families who have often been on a waiting list for a long time.

After all, with or without a harness, these are very special dogs!


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