Sunday 7 November 2010

Jun 2, Golden Retriever Health Problems and Other Dog Health Problems

You can avoid many Golden Retriever health problems by knowing the symptoms and warning signs.

Golden RetrieverProper attention to the health of a dog helps bring out the best in any four-footed friend.

When he's in top form, he looks good, feels good, and is ready to learn, have fun, and enjoy a long and happy life.

Since your dog can't tell you how he's feeling, it's up to you to be observant and notice when he's not acting quite like himself.

A watchful eye can either prevent diseases entirely, or keep them from becoming serious.

I hope you?ll find some answers to your dog health care questions as we go along.

Responsible pet health care starts with taking your pup to the veterinarian for regular checkups and vaccinations. It's also your responsibility to give him nutritious food, exercise, training, grooming--and lots of love and hugs!

At least once a year your pup should have a full checkup.

Many vets recommend twice-a-year checkups for Golden Oldies.

His overall condition can be checked and a blood sample collected for a complete yearly screening.

These annual exams will find most dog health problems while they're still easily treatable.

Are pet health costs preventing you from scheduling regular veterinary checkups for your furry family?

If so, there are a number of pet insurance companies that can help with the expenses.

Listed below, you'll find some Golden Retriever health problems you may encounter during your years of dog ownership.

You can use this information to help you identify what may be wrong when Faithful Fido isn't feeling well. It will also help you discuss his symptoms more intelligently with your veterinarian.

All dogs need regular vaccinations to protect them from common deadly diseases.

How often these are given, and which ones your dog requires, should be discussed with your veterinarian.

Golden Retriever PuppyHere are the most common vaccinations for dogs: Canine Distemper Canine Hepatitis Canine Parainfluenza Canine Parvovirus Kennel Cough Rabies

Keeping your Golden Retriever healthy includes keeping a watchful eye on his beautiful coat.

It can be a playground for external parasites and other pesky problems, such as:

Golden Retriever

Meanwhile, your lovely Golden's body can be harboring an assortment of internal parasites, such as: Heartworms Hookworms Roundworms Tapeworms Whipworms
Each breed has a few canine health problems to which it is predisposed, and Goldens are no exception. We'll look at several common Golden Retriever health issues: Allergies Eczema Elbow dysplasia Hip dysplasia Hot spots Lick sores
We'll take a look at a few common canine health problems you might encounter:
Golden RetrieverSome canine health issues can best be lumped together by systems of the body or locations in the body. These include: Digestive problems Ear problems Eye problems--cataracts and PRA Heart problems Musculoskeletal problems (muscles and bones) Nervous system problems Respiratory problems Teeth, gums and mouth problems Reproductive system Urinary system problems
Dogs get sick with human-sounding illnesses, too. These Golden Retriever health problems include: Bronchitis Cancer (unfortunately) Diabetes Epilepsy
Please keep in mind that you shouldn't use any of the advice offered here as a substitute for consulting your veterinarian. Nothing takes the place of a hands-on professional exam when your furry friend isn't feeling his usual energetic self.

A quick call to your vet will either alleviate your fears or prompt you to pack your pooch into the car for a quick run to the animal clinic.


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